This was a lovely project with some wonderful children. We looked at our fingerprints in clay and thought about how unique and amazing we all are. To
show how important each one of us is we thought of a jigsaw puzzle. Every piece is needed to complete the picture. The children then made self portraits from clay and
we put them into the puzzle. They glazed their figures before the final kiln firing and then mosaic was hung between the classrooms. As part of this project the children also completed a Discover Arts Award. They recorded their artistic journey in their
portfolios and looked at different kinds of art and artists. Fantastic!
Ysgol Tir Morfa is a warm and friendly School and it was a joy to work with them.
Thank you to STAND NW not only for funding this project, but Yvonne and Sarah came to give out the children’s Arts Award certificates too.
Ysgol Tir Morfa
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